Anatomies of Intelligence
live performance, web-based catalog, sonified machine learning processes, artistic research
The main repository for this project can be found at
A collaboration with Joana Chicau, following from a shared interest in livecoding and real-time algorithmic performance. We research and develop performative techniques for in-situ dissections of machine learning algorithms. To better understand the habitual and fixed objects of machine learning as well as their terminologies, and provide counter-techniques for conditions of embodiment and movement.
In our processual approach, we are continuing to develop an online repository of terminology and techniques for a critical examination of the “anatomy” of learning and prediction processes, data corpus and models of machine learning algorithms. And explore, through performance practice, how such a toolkit can confront the bodies of artificial intelligence.
this research project began in late 2018 and has since manifested at Fiber Coded Matter(s), Amsterdam; the Critical Media Lab, Basel; and the University of Aarhus NN Research Cluster.
Anatomies of Intelligence is a co-production with V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media
Category: Performance