performance with sound and image, musical instruments made from obsolete computers, hand-held amplification probes and parasitic electronics Supported By An intimate and fragile spectacle between an end user […]
Blog Archives
Satellite Skin
Interactive Installation installation of radio-broadcast furniture constructed from wood, polished steel, acoustic feedback loops Year 2014 – present (presenting different arrangements of body-channel radio instruments) Supported By A radio-transmission apparatus […]
Etudes for Touch Transmissions
Media Performances for bodies and radio apparatuses built from wood and steel, hand-made electronics, acoustic feedback and amplified sound. Year 2014 Etude #1 with Andrie van de Kuit Etude […]
Autonomic Resonance
Performance Improvised speech, hand-made physiological recording devices, visual projections, music AI Jonathan Reus (speech & electronics) Momoko Noguchi (speech & piano) Year 2014-2015 Autonomic Resonance is a freely improvised, reflexive […]
Laptop Music
Improvised music with hand-held electromagnetic resonant coils, amplifying energy emissions of the artist’s laptop while in use. Year 2011-2012