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iː ɡoʊ weɪ

iː ɡoʊ weɪ is my ongoing practice of hybrid voice work, since about 2021, where I try to use my voice, transformed through real-time “AI” systems, as a way of […]

Returning Voice

A collaboration between J Chaim Reus and Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi (crazinisT artisT) This is a hybrid digital/performance exploring the cultural and geographical pathways of musical knowledge within the banjo family. […]

In Search of Good Ancestors / Ahnen in Arbeit

In Search of Good Ancestors / Ahnen in Arbeit is year-long experiment in computer generated radio, investigating the nature of datasets and machine learning algorithms as unstable memory. The 24-hour […]

Banjela Hybrid Instruments

In the summer of 2019 I was graciously received by Andrew McPherson and the rest of the Augmented Instruments Lab at C4DM in London for a series of micro-residencies. I’ve […]

Brave New World 2.0

commissioned music for theater and sound installation/instrument with obsolete recording media Created in collaboration with Club Guy & Roni, Noord Nederlands Toneel (NNT), Asko|Schönberg Ensemble and Slagwerk Den Haag. The […]

Autonomic Resonance

Performance Improvised speech, hand-made physiological recording devices, visual projections, music AI Jonathan Reus (speech & electronics) Momoko Noguchi (speech & piano) Year 2014-2015 Autonomic Resonance is a freely improvised, reflexive […]

Laptop Music

Improvised music with hand-held electromagnetic resonant coils, amplifying energy emissions of the artist’s laptop while in use. Year 2011-2012